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Montreal’s all Greek Newspaper distributing weekly.

Our Strengths

• 60% more copies than any other competitor.
• Exclusive interviews with local and Greek political and community leaders.
• Breaking stories of great concern to the Greek community.
• Highly qualified and certified reporters and commentators here and abroad.
• Greater reach in the community than any other single Greek media.
• 7,000 visitors on our web sites each month.
• One insertion in our paper reaches more than two thirds of the Greek community on any given week.

Our newspaper has received a multitude of awards, including awards for:

• Outstanding journalism
• Website design
• Publicity production
• Layout
• Marketing

Gender & Age of Readers

• Female: 56%
• Male: 44%
• 40 years old and under: 38%
• Over 40 years old: 62%


Certified Copies

The difference is that… people read us

Because of our high reach in the Greek community, we attract a desirable audience comprising of:

• Home owners
• Educated consumers
• Professionals
• High income earners
• More women than other greek media

Advertising with Ta NEA

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